If you are a fan of the late Jack Benny, and I realize that everyone reading this under the age of, oh, 55 or so, has now stopped reading, you may recall that a recurring joke on his radio and television shows was a reference to a movie that Benny made in 1945 called "The Horn Blows at Midnight". The movie was supposedly a bomb and so awful that people on the show would make reference to it in order to exasperate Benny, and it would invariably lead to Jack's classic line, "Now cut that out!!!"
Anyway, tomorrow, Friday morning at 11:30, Turner Classic Movies will be showing "The Horn Blows at Midnight". I have never seen it, but I have the DVR set to record it. I want to see if it was as truly awful as Benny and his cast of characters led us to believe.
If it IS that bad, I will head down to Penn Station and board the first train headed for Anahiem, Aszuzsa, and Cucamonga (pronounced "Koooooook-a-monga").
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