So now the debate and the hand-wringing will begin over the Fall of Lance Armstrong. I know that the folks at Sports Illustrated, particularly their former columnist Rick Reilly, will be crushed over this, since their worship and devotion of Armstrong has been apparent for many years. He is already being seen as a martyr by some.
In the USA, at least, cycling is a niche sport, so who really cares. It is also a sport that is far dirtier, performance enhancing drug-wise, than Major League Baseball has ever been, so why are we surprised about today's Lance news? On the other hand, Armstrong has never, as we are constantly reminded by his psychophants, failed a drug test (so why isn't he fighting this, or at least hiring Roger Clemens' lawyers?). We also know that Armstrong beat cancer and has raised millions of dollars for cancer research through his foundation, so that makes him a good guy, right?
As for me, when I think about Lance Armstrong at all, I think about the guy who ditched his wife, the one who stood by him as he battled cancer, for the hot rock singer.
I'm not losing sleep over whether or not Barry Bonds makes it to the Baseball Hall of Fame, so I'm sure not going to lose any over vacated Tour de France titles.
In the USA, at least, cycling is a niche sport, so who really cares. It is also a sport that is far dirtier, performance enhancing drug-wise, than Major League Baseball has ever been, so why are we surprised about today's Lance news? On the other hand, Armstrong has never, as we are constantly reminded by his psychophants, failed a drug test (so why isn't he fighting this, or at least hiring Roger Clemens' lawyers?). We also know that Armstrong beat cancer and has raised millions of dollars for cancer research through his foundation, so that makes him a good guy, right?
As for me, when I think about Lance Armstrong at all, I think about the guy who ditched his wife, the one who stood by him as he battled cancer, for the hot rock singer.
I'm not losing sleep over whether or not Barry Bonds makes it to the Baseball Hall of Fame, so I'm sure not going to lose any over vacated Tour de France titles.
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