Before they graduate from high school, one in twenty children in America will experience the death of a parent. This number becomes even higher when you consider those children who will also experience the loss of brother or sister, close grandparent, aunt or uncle. Such children can feel this loss forever. They go back to school, they might resume their activities, and look "normal", but the grief that they feel is still inside them, and can only intensify at this time of the year as the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays approach.
National Children's Grief Awareness Day was instituted in 2008 to raise awareness of and show support for grieving children. This day is observed on the third Thursday in November each year. In 2012, the Children's Grief Awareness Day will be four weeks from today, Thursday, November 15.
Please go to the following site to see what YOU can do to observe Children's Grief Awareness Day in your school, church, social club, or just among your circle of friends.
Please also visit the Highmark Caring Place website - - to learn more about the work that this organization does to help grieving children and their families.
You can make a difference in the life of a grieving child.
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