
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Love to Read? Try

If you own a Kindle, iPad, Nook or some other electronic reading device, you might want to check into signing on with something called Book Bub.  No, not this Bub....

...the curmudgeonly grandfather in "My Three Sons" played by William "Fred Mertz" Frawley, but, rather the website

You go to the site, register with your email address and indicate what your reading preferences are (mystery, thrillers, romance, biography, history etc).  You will then receive an email everyday with six or seven books from which to choose that are either free or priced at $.99, $1.99, and, rarely, $2.99.  That's it.  I thought there had to be a catch, but some friends assured me that there was not, and indeed, there isn't. Unless, of course, you count Amazon getting access to your reading and buying habits, but, face it, that ship sailed a long time ago.

Anyway, I have made five purchases via Book Bub, and I think that three of them have been freebies and the others $.99.  Now, I don't think you will see John Grisham, David McCullough or other big time authors on Book Bub, and oft times you will get what you pay for when going this route, but what the hell?  For example, of the five books I've bought thus far, two were clunkers that I started and will not finish, and one was not great, but was an entertaining read that held my interest from beginning to end.  The other two are still on the eBookshelf waiting to be read.

I think I am going to adopt a rule of thumb to stick with the free selections for the most part, and hope to come up with an occasional good book from this marketplace.  Or maybe I'll go for a ninty-nine center once in awhile.  OK, maybe splurge for a buck ninty-nine if the book really looks good.

Anyway, if you love to read, check it out.  Consider this my public service announcement for today.  You're welcome.

By the way, the one book referenced above that I read and liked was called "Time Fall" by Timothy Ashby.

This is a story that involves the well worn, but always entertaining plot device of time travel.  

In the closing days of World War II, a group of six American Army Rangers parachute into the German province of Bavaria in an effort to create confusion and generally raise a little hell as the Third Reich teeters on the edge of extinction.  They jump from the plane on an April night in 1945, but when they hit the ground, it is April 2011.  They begin carrying out their assigned objectives by sabotaging various Nazi installations, unaware that these places have now been redesigned and serve other purposes in the Germany of 2011.  They are mistaken for Al Queda type terrorists, and the big honcho in German law enforcement who has to round them up is an ex-Hitler Youth who was, in the closing days of WW II, was awarded an Iron Cross by Hitler himself, and this guy still thinks in terms of the good old days and ways when the Fuhrer was still in power.  Oh, and American Intelligence gets involved, too.

Melodramatic, cliched, and a bit ham-handed at times to be sure, but, as I said, a quick and entertaining read, and the Epilogue that ends the book has a pretty neat scene that you would expect in such stories.  And I am a sucker for time travel stories.  I checked this morning, and it can be had at Amazon for your Kindle for a mere $2.99. 


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